
Guarding Your Assets: Theft Law vs. Estate Planning in Phoenix

Estate planning is a process that helps you decide who will receive part of your inheritance when you die. Thus, your loved ones will be taken care of after your death. This procedure will help you with future needs, care, or long-term treatment.

Estate planning consists of three elements:

A will:

This document mentions everything you want to happen to your property after death.

A Health Care Power Of Attorney:

A healthcare power of attorney like theft lawyer phoenix for example tells your loved ones the instructions they must take if you are too sick.

Advanced Financial Planning:

Advanced financial planning involves naming the person caring for your children and pets after death. Regularizing your debts is also part of the attributions of your testamentary successor.

Why Should You Have An Estate Plan?

Planning an estate plan will allow you to put everything in order and avoid any conflicts that usually arise after a death. All your belongings will be distributed according to your wishes. This will also prevent your loved ones from initiating legal proceedings for the regularization of your property.

Theft and burglary are one of the most well-known and common crimes all over the world. All forms and categories of theft are severely punished by law. If you are the victim of a theft or burglary, here is what you need to know about the measures to be taken and the sanctions against the author. The law provides severe penalties against any perpetrator of theft or burglary on French soil and in many other countries. It is according to the character of theft that the penalties will be set and also according to the nature of the crimes caused to the victim and the aggravating circumstances.

The Various Penalties Provided For By The Penal Code For Theft

In general, large cities and their suburbs are the most affected by acts of theft. The author of a theft incurs a prison sentence and a fine even with lawyer such as phoenix estate attorneys for example cant fight sentence.

Simple theft is punishable by 3 years imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros. There are more severe penalties for very serious theft. Criminal law distinguishes many serious crimes in society. An example of aggravating circumstances is violence against others before, during, or after the theft. Professional gangs also organize masked robberies and robberies.

The penalty predicted by the law is very serious in case of a very serious crime. Like the thefts caused by organized gangs, the perpetrator of the crime is punished with a fine of 150,000 euros and will face a prison sentence of 15 years. Armed robbery accompanied by murder and violence against others is punishable by 30 years in prison.