Most people are familiar with car warranties as it is obtained with all the new cars they purchase. Car warranties cover many things regarding the car and will help you get free service until the warranty term. It can be considered a guarantee offered by the dealer so that you won’t have to face much trouble if there are any defects.
Some people think doing certain things in the vehicle might void the warranty, but it will not do anything. On the other hand, some people unknowingly make some changes in their vehicles, which will result in loss of warranty. Both these situations occur due to a lack of knowledge regarding a car warranty. If my car is under warranty do I have to pay for a service? Some information regarding this question and related questions is provided here.
For more information on arbitration and other frequently asked Manufacturer’s Warranty Protect questions, click here.
All about a car warranty
A car warranty is a type of guarantee made by a car manufacturer or dealer based on the condition of a car. It proves that the car will work efficiently until a specific period. They will provide free repairs during that period if the car runs into some trouble (defects). You can also get replacements if the car is having any severe troubles. Car warranties usually have certain conditions that you must follow. Denying those conditions and making changes in the vehicles will void the warranty, resulting in a loss of money if any repairs occur.
If my car is under warranty do I have to pay for a service?
A car warranty usually covers a car’s workmanship, quality, and materials. Usually, the warranty term ranges from 3 to 5 years or to a specific mileage which ranges from 36,000 to 60,000 miles. You can get a free service if your car is under warranty. There is no need to pay for repairing or changing any mechanical or electrical components in a car under warranty. But you might have to pay for any nominal charges not covered in your warranty. Different types of warranties will only cover repairs in certain parts of a car. Thus, you must check the warranty and the services available to know if you have to pay for any other service.
If my car is under warranty can I take it to any dealership?
Servicing your car in an authorized dealership is necessary to maintain the manufacturer’s warranty. Doing car service from an unauthorized service center can affect your warranty, and it can get canceled. But on the other hand, if you are just planning to do some basic services, you can choose any independent workshop. Doing such a thing will not affect your new car’s warranty. For such cases, you must ensure that the mechanic follows your car’s manufacturer’s service schedule and uses original approved parts.
Think you have a lemon, click here to fill out a 30 second form.
A car warranty covers a lot of maintenance in a car, like a powertrain coverage (engine repairs), road assistance support (during breakdown), rusting body parts coverage, etc. Apart from all these, you should also remember that lemon law only applies if your car is under manufacturer warranty. If my car is under warranty can I take it to any dealership? It is a common question of many people, and its answer is provided here.