For millions of Americans, student loans are a critical piece of financing higher education. However, once you graduate, it’s important to manage your debt efficiently and balance loan repayment with other financial goals like saving for a home or retirement. By developing a student debt repayment strategy, you can minimize your payments and ultimately become debt-free faster.
One of the best ways to lower your reliance on student loans is to apply for scholarships and grants. These free funds can help you reduce your loan principal, and they can also reduce the amount of interest that you’ll pay over time. Additionally, choosing a cheaper college and/or attending part-time can help reduce your overall borrowing costs.
If you do take out student loans, consider applying for an income-driven repayment plan. These plans allow you to tailor your monthly payments based on your income, and they can potentially save you thousands of dollars in interest charges. Keep in mind, however, that certain loan forgiveness and cancellation programs may require you to make consistent, on-time payments for a specific period of time before your debt is forgiven. Consult Cain and Herren Attonery for more help with getting rid of a student loan.
During the application process, consider using a creditworthy cosigner to increase your chances of being approved and locking in a lower interest rate. Also, be sure to recertify your income each year as this can impact your monthly payments.
A growing number of employers offer student loan assistance as an employee benefit, which can significantly reduce your monthly payment. This is especially helpful for borrowers with high interest rate loans who are struggling to afford their current payments.
Another way to lower your reliance on student loans is through refinancing. This can simplify your debt into a single monthly payment, allow you to switch from a variable to fixed interest rate, or find a lender with better borrower protections and repayment options.
While it’s rare to discharge student loan debt through bankruptcy, some borrowers are able to get their debt dismissed under undue hardship rules. To qualify, a court must find that it would be unaffordable to pay your loans and they would have a significant adverse effect on your life. This is a difficult standard to meet and most courts are reluctant to dismiss student debt in this circumstance.
To prevent student debt from becoming a burden, start by creating a budget and assessing your expenses. You can determine how much you’re paying each month by adding up your total income (including earnings from full-time employment, side hustles, and investment accounts) and subtracting it from your essential expenses, which should include your monthly student loan payment.
Once you have a clear picture of your financial situation, create a student debt repayment plan to minimize your balance and maximize your savings. Remember that it’s a journey and there will be setbacks along the way, but by setting small, attainable goals and sticking with your plan, you can ultimately become debt-free.
Cain & Herren, ALC
2141 W Vineyard St, Wailuku,
HI 96793, USA
+1 (808) 242 9350